
Your Most Valuable Insurance Policy: Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Robert Smith
December 21, 2022
4 minutes, 15 seconds

The first step in protecting ourselves from potential abductors is to understand who or what we are opposing. Kidnappings, for example, occur globally for various reasons and can involve family members, ransom seekers, and sexual predators. There is no typical abduction, and predators can lure unsuspecting victims into vulnerable situations in various ways. Most of their victims are not sufficiently prepared for the reality of being preyed upon. While it is possible for abducted victims to be rescued successfully, the majority of these victims return home with visible or emotional scarring. Unfortunately, many kidnapped victims are not rescued, and in rare instances, some are even murdered by their abductors.

A person holding up their hand as to tell someone to halt or stop.

As a society, we are seeing an increase in violence, but our efforts to prevent crimes are not keeping up with the daily occurrences of violence, abductions, and rapes. This is largely due to a lack of understanding of the significance of these issues and a lack of prioritization throughout not just the United States, but also the rest of the world. Unfortunately, we often prioritize entertainment and comfort over protecting ourselves and our loved ones, investing more time, money, and thought in these areas instead.

We understand the value of our possessions and the impact of loss. That is why we insure our belongings; so that they can be replaced in the event that something happens to them. For example, car insurance is required in most states, but even if it wasn't, we would likely still get coverage for our vehicles. This is because, after making a significant investment or acquiring something that plays a critical role in our lives, we want to ensure that we can replace it if something happens to it.

Bumper cars lined up at a carnival or park.

You probably wouldn't intentionally play bumper cars with your car or try to see how much air you can get by ramping over a steep set of railroad tracks. However, you are likely aware that when you are driving, numerous things can happen. For example, a deer could run out in front of you, someone under the influence could hit you, your car could be stolen or purposely damaged, or it could be damaged by a hail storm. These are just a few examples, but the fact is that we all know these are possibilities that we might not see coming and we very often prepare for them by securing some form of insurance.

Home insurance is another example of how we protect our possessions. Coverage for appliances or electronic devices is no different. We hope nothing terrible happens to these things, so we take precautions. On the other hand, some people are willing to pay more for things throughout the year that enhance their physical appearance or social status than they would spend on their own safety or self-defense in their entire lifetime.

Why do we prioritize insurance for our possessions but not for our own safety or self-preservation? How do we justify one and not the other? With our multifaceted exposure to media, we are well aware of the risks and dangers of crime and violence. We know it exists, yet we tend to deny its reality in proximity to us. Even when it does happen or we have a close call, it seems like it is never a priority.

The hand of someone who is drowning under water.

Why learn to swim if not for the concern of drowning in deep water? Can you always see if the depth suddenly drops where you are swimming? Can you always see the items in a body of water that might contribute to you being harmed or even killed, such as roots, branches, or a strong undertow? Not likely. Therefore, when you could potentially find yourself in deep enough or uncharted water, the knowledge and ability to swim are extremely important and could be a large contributing factor to whether you live or die.

Insurance is a proactive approach to addressing potential risks and hazards. It is a wise and relevant decision to insure the items mentioned earlier. But aren't you and your children more valuable than those items? If something happens to you, you cannot be replaced like those possessions can. If something happens to a loved one, you cannot just purchase another one at the store or order a replacement from Amazon. There is no greater investment in yourself or others than providing the knowledge and ability to handle unexpected situations that could result in critical injury or death.

At Shield Academy, we offer the type of insurance that will help you cover all your self-preservation needs. Not only will you learn self-defense techniques that will assist you with protecting yourself and your loved ones during a physical confrontation, but we also provide you with further coverage in the form of environmental and situational awareness, character development and improvement, mental and emotional fortitude, avoidance and de-escalation techniques, and the knowledge that you are part of a growing family that cares about you and wants to see you succeed and become the best possible version of yourself.

Please schedule a free introductory consultation with us so we can get to know more about you and talk about tailoring your insurance policy to fit your needs today!

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